WhatsApp Web FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Whatsapp Web

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WhatsApp Web is a helpful method of using WhatsApp on your web browser on the computer to keep in touch with friends and family while you work on your desk or laptop.

In case you need quick clarifications concerning WhatsApp Web, you will find this list useful.

A web browser should be opened via your computer in order to visit web.whatsapp.com.

Then Open WhatsApp on your phone and go to Menu (three dots) > Linked Devices.

Tap Link a Device, then use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code presented by the WhatsApp Web webpage.

Certainly, yes, for you to access and run this feature, it is important for your cell phone device itself to be online.

Until the connection gets back in place after losing network connectivity with the handset, there can no longer be any synchronizing of messages over WhatsApp Web.

It works in most modern browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera.

For optimal experience it is recommended using latest versions of these browsers.

Yes, it is possible for you to connect together multiple PCs or desktops with just one account on Whatsapp but only one of them will have active access at a given time point.

No, as of now whatsapp.com does not support voice or video calling; instead they allow users send/receive text messages along with images videos and other media files only.

Actually today you can’t make use of Whatsapp web without scanning QR code; there is no option for username/password login yet.

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